Do I need to be in the ILRP?
Regulatory coverage is required if you own or operate land that is irrigated to produce crops or pasture for commercial purposes, without regard for source of the water supply.
Reporting Requirements:
- Irrigation and Nitrogen Management Plan AND Summary Report
- Outreach & Education
- Management Plan Implementation Report
- Farm Evaluation Survey (Required every 5 years. Next year required is 2026.)
Sediment and Erosion Control Plan (kept on farm)
Exempt from BYSWQC
Managed Wetlands (exempt as of October 2021)
*Rice ground is covered under the California Rice Commission, NOT BYSWQC!
Please click here for more information!
BYSWQC Fees for 2024-2025
Administration Fee: $175 per account
Per Acre Fee: $3.25/acre
Need to Make Corrections to your Invoice or Update Contact Information?
The Yuba-Sutter Farm Bureau office is contracted to perform administrative duties
for the BYSWQC. Call or email us at (530) 673-6550 or bys@ysfarmbureau.com for assistance!
Mailing Address:
Butte-Yuba-Sutter Water Quality Coalition
P.O. Box 3398
Yuba City, CA 95992
BYSWQC Administrator
Lindsay Hyde
Yuba-Sutter Farm Bureau Office
(530) 673-6550
Education and Outreach Coordinator
Butte Farm Bureau Office
(530) 533-1473