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Current Issues


This advisory provides FRAQMD business owners and operators information about potential state regulations currently being developed by the California Air Resources Board that may have a significant impact on businesses within the district.

During its December 2018 meeting, CARB adopted the “Regulation for the Reporting of Criteria Air Pollutants and Toxic Air Contaminants”, which requires affected businesses located in pollution impacted communities to annually report to the air districts and CARB their emissions from all permitted activities. Simultaneously, CARB directed its staff to consider further refinements to the regulation’s applicability. CARB staff responded to that direction, and on March 5, 2019 released proposed regulatory text which is available at:

In the revised regulation, CARB staff have greatly expanded the scope of applicability and is now proposing that nearly all permitted sources in the state will be subject to these enhanced emissions reporting requirements. Compliance with this new reporting mandate is expected to bring significant cost increases to all businesses in California, with small businesses likely to be the most affected. Further, CARB staff is proposing to amend the regulation under an abbreviated “15-day” rulemaking process that both reduces the public’s opportunity to provide comments in time for them to be considered before regulatory changes take effect and does not require another public hearing before the Board.

CARB’s proposed changes are not sponsored by the FRAQMD. Should you wish to learn more about CARB’s regulation, please visit CARB’s website listed above. If you have questions or wish to submit comments on the proposed regulation, please contact CARB staff at or Patrick Gaffney at 916-322-7303.


2019 Agricultural Tractor and Mobile Equipment Survey Extension

The California Air Resources Board (CARB), with the support of the California agricultural community, has extended the deadline for you to participate in the 2019 agricultural equipment survey. The submissions were assessed and your region was not well represented. Please participate and represent your region. If you have already taken the survey, please encourage your neighbors and your community to take the survey.


The survey has been extended until May 15, 2019.


CARB contracted with CalPoly San Luis Obispo to handle and completely anonymize all survey data, which includes removal of all identifying information. CalPoly is administering a web-based survey and offering an identical paper survey available for download or from your industry representative. The online survey may be completed on a computer or phone in just a few minutes. The paper survey should be returned to your local farm bureau or representative.


The 2019 agricultural survey, similar to one from 2008, covers all mobile agricultural equipment, including tractors, combines, balers, agricultural use ATVs and forklifts, and many more. The survey is intended for the agricultural sector, including producers in the field, custom operators, and first processing facilities, and covers equipment using any type of fuel or electricity, of any horsepower.


Results from the previous survey helped determine allocations for millions of dollars in equipment turnover programs across California, from federal and air district incentive programs.


You can access the survey at the following link:

Telephone: (530) 673-6550

Fax: (530) 671-5836


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